Ever been afraid to ask a “stupid question”? The truth is lots of other people probably have the same question you have. Many drivers think they lack the EV know-how needed to purchase one. But the truth is that everyone started at the beginning at some point! EVs are designed to be user-friendly, and we promise you don’t need a Ph.D. in electrical engineering to drive one. 

First, congratulations on the purchase of your first electric vehicle! Many manufacturers and websites tell new drivers how simple it is to “just plug in and go!” They fail, however, to go through the process step by step for those who have never done it before. Charging an EV involves understanding the different charging levels, the costs, and the convenience of home charging. Charging is simple, and owners quickly get the hang of it. But if you’re a first-timer, follow these simple steps to charge your new EV and discover just how simple Blink charging can be! 

DC Fast Charging at a Public EV Charging Station 

Charging an electric vehicle at a public station is straightforward, with a few noticeable differences from home charging. Most public chargers are Level 2 chargers, like the Blink IQ 200, and require specific charging equipment. The cord you will need is already attached to the charger. 

Level 2 chargers offer a faster charging speed compared to Level 1 chargers, making them more efficient for public and workplace charging. 

Steps to Charge at a Public Station: 

Park Your Car: Park in the spot marked for EVs and ensure you’re close enough to use the cord. 

For faster charging at public stations, consider using DC fast chargers, which are designed for quick and efficient charging, especially on longer journeys. 

Unwind the Cord: The cord for the charger should be wound around the charger. Unwind it and bring the plug to your “fuel tank” (charge port). 

Open the Charge Port: Flip open the tank. 

Connect the Charger: Push the Blink charger end into place and make sure it latches into your EV. 

Start the Charge: Start the charge with the Blink mobile app, your Blink member card, or by calling customer service. 

Monitor the Charge: Once the screen displays that the charge has started, electricity is flowing. You can double-check by looking at the dashboard. Some cars will have a light that looks like a plug that lights up. Also, look at the charger to ensure miles are being added. 

Secure the Cord: The cord is locked into place while charging, so please do not move your car. 

Finish Charging: When you are finished charging or would like to leave, remove the connector, wind the cord up, and put it neatly back where you found it. It’s considered rude and a tripping hazard to throw the cord on the ground. 

Complete the Process: The process is complete. 

Charging at Home 

Charging an electric vehicle at home is convenient and cost-effective. Maintaining the car’s battery health during home charging is crucial; avoid letting the car’s battery get too empty and charge up to a certain percentage. A simple 110-volt charging cord comes with your new EV, and you can use it with a plug in your garage with a Level 1 Charger. Electric car charging at home is not only convenient but also more cost-effective compared to public charging stations. 

Steps to Charge at Home: 

Plug into an Outlet: Plug your cord into a regular 120V wall outlet. The charging capacity of your home outlet, measured in kilowatts, will significantly affect the charging time required for your vehicle. 

Locate the Charge Port: Locate the “fuel tank” (charge port) on your car, or where the cord connects to charge the car. 

Park Close to the Outlet: Park your car close enough to the outlet for the cord to reach the connection. 

Open the Charge Port: Flip open the tank. 

Connect the Charger: Push the charger into place and make sure it connects. 

Monitor the Charge: The electricity will flow automatically, but you want to make sure, so look at the dashboard. Some cars will have a light that looks like a plug that lights up. 

Secure the Cord: The cord is locked in place while charging, so don’t try to move the car. 

Finish Charging: When you are finished charging, unplug the cord on both ends, roll your cord up, and put it back in the bag it came in. 

Complete the Process: The process is complete. 

Understanding EV Charging Levels 

To better understand charging an electric vehicle, it’s essential to know the different levels of EV charging: 

  • Level 1 Charging: Uses a standard household electrical outlet (120 volts) and provides about 2-5 miles of range per hour. This method is slow and best for overnight charging at home. 
  • Level 2 Charging: Requires a dedicated 240-volt outlet and can provide 10-20 miles of range per hour. This is the most common type of public and home charging station and is ideal for daily use. Installation of electric vehicle supply equipment is necessary for faster charging capabilities. 
  • DC Fast Charging: Uses direct current (DC) to charge the battery quickly, providing up to 80% charge in about 30 minutes. This method is typically found along highways and in urban areas for quick refueling during long trips. Advancements in electric vehicle technology enable faster charging and longer driving ranges. 

Tips for Efficient EV Charging 

  1. Charge Opportunistically: Unlike gasoline cars, electric car drivers often charge their vehicles whenever they have the opportunity, rather than waiting until the battery is nearly empty. 
  1. Avoid Overcharging: For optimal battery health, try to keep your battery charge between 20-80%. Maintaining the battery health of electric cars ensures longevity and efficiency. 
  1. Plan Your Charging Stops: Use apps and onboard navigation systems to locate charging stations along your route. Many electric car drivers use these apps to plan their charging stops efficiently. 
  1. Monitor Charging Costs: Charging at home during off-peak hours can save money. Public charging costs can vary, so be aware of the rates. 


Charging an electric vehicle is a simple and user-friendly process. Whether you’re charging at home or at a public station, following these steps will ensure your EV is always ready to go. For more information on EV charging and to explore our rental packages, visit us at blinkmobility.com. Blink Mobility is a fully electric car rental service in L.A. 

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